Bluebell time

My favourite time of year! I find bluebells very difficult to photograph, A walk through a bluebell blanketed woodland is sensory overload, but what you see with the eye just doesn’t translate to a photo. I keep trying though, year after year, hoping I’ll eventually get it right! It was particularly difficult this morning with the car reading -1C and a thick rime of frost over the ground  (my fingers have only just warmed up), but I’m pleased with the results.


Blue above, blue below
1/25 sec at f16 ISO 400, Canon 17-40mm f4/L

The cold light before the sun rose helps bring out the blue in the shot to the left. The moon was a bonus!

These were taken in the hills above Charmouth in Dorset. It’s a magical spot and I like it for bluebells because here they flower on open ground.

On both landscape shots I used a graduated filter to balance out the sky, a tripod and a little tweaking in Lightroom on the colours. The sun rising caused all the colours to shift but brought more life to the scene. Continue reading “Bluebell time”